• Method for customs inspection!


    Method for customs inspection!

    Methods the customs inspection refers to the customs in order to determine the real situation of inbound and outbound goods conform to the consignee or consignor to declare whether the content and the import and export of goods. Or to determine the goods classification, origin, pr…

  • The Customs Protection of intellectual property rights!


    The Customs Protection of intellectual property rights!

    China's "Customs Protection of intellectual property rights regulations" definition: the customs of the import and export goods of the people's Republic of China and the relevant laws, administrative regulations of protection of trademark, copyright and copyright-related…

  • The administrative punishment of the customs!


    The administrative punishment of the customs!

    (a) the meaning of customs administrative punishmentBy the customs according to law to Administrative Punishment Rights of citizen, legal person or other organization, in violation of the Customs Law, administrative regulations of smuggling, shall be investigated for criminal resp…

  • Goods "flying" also has the first-class cabin optional!


    Goods "flying" also has the first-class cabin optional!

    Cargo plane also can choose the first-class cabin, high-end economy class or economy class? Recently, the new Southern freight Tang Wing system class freight management function, make this idea become a reality. Shipper or freight Proxy Companies simply login Tang Wing system, you…

  • Bonded processing goods!


    Bonded processing goods!

    One, overview(a) definition:1: materials, processing trade imports from abroad, in the domestic processing and assembly, finished product shipped abroad after overseas trade. "Two out", but is not equal to the bonded logistics goods allowed temporary entry and exit of go…

  • How to make customs declaration for inward and outward express consignments!


    How to make customs declaration for inward and outward express consignments!

    A, express the declaration1, express the declaration and inspection shall be carried out in the place where the customs office operation time and specialized regulatory sites in. For outside the customs office hours or specialized regulatory sites, prior to the approval of the cus…

  • The related documents of export documents!


    The related documents of export documents!

    A bill.The 1 bill behavior(1) ticket

  • Bring the multinational logistics enterprises!


    Bring the multinational logistics enterprises!

    At present, the world's largest logistics companies mostly take the head office and branch system, take the headquarters of centralized logistics operation, the implementation of business vertical management, is actually the integrated management mode (only one command center, the…

  • The strategic development of logistics industry!


    The strategic development of logistics industry!

    Strategic positioning of node in city logistics service system construction and development.Positioning of the reasons. Logistics service system is an organic whole of city logistics elements of composition, involves four major aspects of the logistics infrastructure, logistics eq…

  • Distribution logistics management enterprise!


    Distribution logistics management enterprise!

    Characteristics of distribution of logistics enterprise.Distribution enterprises are located directly in the face of the terminal market links in the supply chain, have extensive and in-depth marketing network, the customer orientation is more and more clear, the corresponding, lo…

  • Where B2C e-commerce logistics management to!


    Where B2C e-commerce logistics management to!

    E-commerce will become the mainstream business model in twenty-first Century. In the past two years B2C has been developing rapidly in China, various types of shopping sites to provide consumers with a large number of commodities. However, because of the logistics management syste…

  • Russia was allowed to join the WTO tariff will be reduced!


    Russia was allowed to join the WTO tariff will be reduced!

    Russia was allowed to join the WTO tariff level will drop to 7.8%In December 16th, at the Geneva International Conference Center at the World Trade Organization (WTO) the eighth session of the Ministerial Conference, WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy (in) and the standing ovation t…

  • The British media: China brand "stand up" for the market!


    The British media: China brand "stand up" for the market!

    British "Financial Times" website in December 2nd, the original title: China, brand: stand up to be sure? Many want to build global brand of the China Company have chosen to hide the origin of goods, because the "made in China" label is often associated with ch…

  • The hegemony of the dollar decline, China will be on the global issue orders left and right!


    The hegemony of the dollar decline, China will be on the global issue orders left and …

    The United States credit rating was downgraded caused global panic, but the grim situation has not made the United States political forces will "internal strife" use. The United States Treasury Secretary Geithner 7, lashed out at the United States of America S & P to dow…

  • The Qingming Festival holiday notice


    The Qingming Festival holiday notice

    Notice: the Qingming Festival (2013 April 4th) Division I have a day off on the night of April 3rd, April 4th, the day the goods into the warehouse receipt to be processed by the security, the night of April 4th will resume normal receiving operation, please make shipment arrangem…

  • In 2013 April the fuel fee adjustment notice!


    In 2013 April the fuel fee adjustment notice!

    The April fuel UPS 19.5%, DHL 24.5%, FEDEX 20.5%

  • In 2013 February the fuel fee adjustment notice!


    In 2013 February the fuel fee adjustment notice!

    Respect customer:According to the change of our fuel, fuel collection date for change:DHL: began in May 22.5% from December 1st after the 12:00 fuel charge.

  • In 2013 January the fuel fee adjustment notice!


    In 2013 January the fuel fee adjustment notice!

    Respect customer:According to the change of our fuel, fuel collection date for change:DHL: began in May 22.5% from January 1st after the 12:00 fuel charge.

  • In 2012 December the fuel fee adjustment notice!


    In 2012 December the fuel fee adjustment notice!

    Respect customer:According to the change of our fuel, fuel collection date for change:DHL: began in May 24% from December 1st after the 12:00 fuel charge.

  • Mid-Autumn Festival National Day holiday notice!


    Mid-Autumn Festival National Day holiday notice!

    The respect customerHello.Thank the customer for a long time for our support and trust, on behalf of all the staff of the company, to express our heartfelt thanks and most noble respect to all customers, the October 1st National Day are arranged as follows:

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